EIM Events


25N International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The role of mediation.

Taking advantage of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, I would like to point out the role of mediation as a procedure within the cultural transformation we are witnessing. Transitioning this change from responsibility and social dialogue involves promoting mediated negotiation not only to manage conflicts, but also to disseminate and consolidate good practices in the workplace, regardless of the size of the company.

confidencialidad en mediación

The importance of confidentiality in mediation

When we talk about confidentiality, we can perfectly identify it with the so-called professional secret.

In the first term, we understand that the mediator cannot reveal the particulars and details of the mediation to anyone, that is, bring out what is "simmering inside", since this can help the parties feel safe and comfortable during the mediation process.

La paz y la mediación

Peace and mediation

Obviously, no one is unaware of how much is written about peace in the world. I believe that as much as that precept that is so important for human relationships: coexistence is not fulfilled.

europa mediacion

What is celebrated today, January 21?

Today is an important day for Europeans, today we celebrate the role of mediation in conflict resolution and above all, the role that mediation should play in conflict resolution; a day in which it is remembered that since the late 90s, Europe has been betting on ADR as valid mechanisms and, above all, that allow its citizens to get closer to quality justice where they are protagonists of its solutions.

Agustin Plaza Consumo Mediacion 100

Last minute shopping for the Three Wise Men?

There are multiple sectors in which consumer law and more specifically consumer mediation has its place, from the advice and provision of specialist mediator services in consumer matters in companies in the services or products sector that is related to the final consumer, passing through public entities.