Blog Intervention with Minors

beneficios del Método montessori y disciplina positiva

Article review: Elena, S. (2024, May 30). Montessori method and positive discipline, a good tandem that puts the child at the center of parenting. EL PAÍS

As experts in Intervention with Minors and mediation, we are always looking for new points of view, studies and, in general, all kinds of professional content that may be of interest to our community. On this occasion, we did not want to miss the opportunity to comment with you on this article found … Read more

Guía para aplicar la disciplina positiva en casa

How to Implement Positive Discipline at Home: A Guide for Parents and Educators

Positive discipline is an educational strategy that focuses on mutual respect and the development of social-emotional skills. For parents, implementing this methodology at home can transform family dynamics, promoting an environment of cooperation, understanding, and personal growth. This guide offers practical steps to integrate positive discipline into the classroom. Read more

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Terms associated with cyberbullying

How many of us are familiar with the terms associated with cyberbullying and other dangers on the internet? Many times we come across unknown words, neologisms or anglicisms that can be confusing. Therefore, we have put together this brief dictionary to give you a clear and concise understanding of the terminology related to these... Read more