Job offers in mediation from July 17 to July 23

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Intercultural mediator employment in Alicante.

Job Description

Looking for an intercultural mediator in Alicante.


  • Guarantee compliance with the objectives of the ATLAS project. in accordance with the established methodological guidelines, providing value and "warmth" in the personal treatment with the participants, which allows achieving an excellent level in the intervention.
  • Provide specialized intercultural mediation work in those cases that are referred from the primary care of municipal social services and, specifically, the migrant care offices of the Pangea network, municipal social services and the social entities that they manage in the province. of Alicante, care programs for migrants subsidized or arranged by the different public administrations.
  • Increase knowledge of the environment and the general functioning of the institutions of the host society, promoting the autonomy of people in the development of daily life activities.
  • Inform and disseminate the value of interculturality, as well as raise awareness, train and advise professionals, volunteers of the entity and other social agents on intercultural Mediation, Prevention and Alternative Management of Conflicts.
  • Promote intercultural coexistence and positive relationships by developing individual and collective activities for the prevention and positive management of conflicts with a cultural origin.
  • Promote community mediation to facilitate access and good use of community resources.


  • Be registered in the Registry of Mediators and Mediation Institutions.
  • Minimum experience of 2 years in the same or similar position.
  • Specific training in intercultural mediation.
  • Specific training in neighborhood mediation.

Can sign up for this job offer to work as a mediator doing click here.

Descubre las últimas ofertas de empleo de mediación.

Community mediator job in Barcelona

Job Description

Looking for 1 community mediator in Barcelona.


  • Prevent and manage low-intensity conflicts that occur at night on public roads and in nightlife venues, improving civility and coexistence in the districts.
  • Help all actors operating in nightlife areas to act in coordination and jointly.
  • Collaborate with the staff of nightlife venues to manage disagreements, discussions and tensions with users and support them to manage conflicts that may arise.
  • Cooperate with the local police to manage conflict situations generated in nightlife venues or in public spaces.


  • Professional category: Higher and assimilated technicians.
  • Required formal training: MEDIATION AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION
  • Experience time: 1-3
  • More developed personal skills: Competence improvement in terms of gender, Self-control, Self-confidence, Teamwork and Cooperation, Negotiation, Empathy, Communication
  • Languages: English – Intermediate Catalan: Intermediate

Can sign up for this job offer to work as a mediator doing click here.

Descubre las últimas ofertas de empleo de mediación.

Neighborhood mediator employment in Moratalaz.

A neighborhood mediator is needed in Moratalaz.


  • Analysis of the social environment of the district where the different actions are going to be developed, periodically updating this work of study, reflection, observation of needs, new trends, etc.
  • Offer support and guidance to people they encounter in carrying out their work and who request it to bring them closer to the different public and private resources and services they need.
  • Design strategies and actions for the development of the program and to respond to its purpose.
  • Preparation of informative and informative material aimed at the population of the district about the actions to be carried out, information on resources and benefits, and in general all types of information that are considered of interest.
  • Intervention in cases of neighborhood or other conflicts when mediation is necessary to facilitate meeting and coexistence in neighborhood communities or in public spaces.


  • University degree in Social Work, Social Education, or similar.
  • At least two years of experience in mediation in public and open spaces.

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