Success in Mediation at the Mediation Center of Catalonia with more than half resolved

They have been started on 3000 mediation requests this year by Mediation Center of Catalonia, which represents 5.5% more than the previous year. We can see it better in

Thanks to the promotion by the Government of the Generalitat of mediation to avoid going through the court process, there has been an increase in mediations, successfully resolving a 53% of them.

Mediation to avoid court

Mediation plays a very important role in resolving conflicts, which can range from family problems such as separations, divorces, adoptions, appointment of guardians, inheritances or pensions up to cultural conflicts, between foundations, neighborhood conflicts and much more.

The advantages to resolve a matter through mediation there are many, and one of them is time. Through judicial means, a family process can take up to two years and legal fees must be taken into account. Mediation has a much shorter process, taking around 4 months for resolution and with a much lower cost than through judicial means.

Exito En La Mediacion

We conclude that the mediation process is much simpler, cheaper and has less emotional cost for the protagonists in this process since they avoid the process of attending court.

The mediator is a figure who helps resolve conflicts between people by being impartial, neutral and with total confidentiality. As the sessions go by, a better atmosphere is achieved between those involved, especially if there are minors included in the disputes.

The mediator works to protect minors and promote appropriate family relationships preventing the problem from going into judicial hands.

Law 9/2020 allows judges to refer these types of cases to mediators before going to trial. Encouraging mediation is a great measure so that dialogue is used to avoid going through judicial channels. We can see the news better in

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