Mediation to address health inequalities

To measure the health of a community we cannot take into account only global indicators, since they can mask important inequalities between various individuals or groups. Health problems are not distributed equally in populations; there are groups in which most health problems are concentrated.

These are groups that present characteristics and factors that determine these inequalities, risk factors related to the environment or personal factors that condition lifestyle and the accessibility and use of health services (for example, populations with worse socioeconomic conditions and lower levels of health). educational institutions use preventive services less).

Determining the needs of the population goes beyond the mere identification of health problems; it also requires the analysis of available services and resources. It must be taken into account that health demands do not always respond to real needs, but are largely generated by the health services supply model.

Salud Mediacion

Equity concept

To improve the level of health and reduce the existing differences between different social groups, we must act under the principle of equity, which consists of giving according to need. However, the supply of health services does not match the demand of the population or their needs.

The WHO, in 1977, proposed Health for all in the year 2000 as a goal; This causes a change in health services, which must go from satisfying demand to achieving an optimal level of health, with an appropriate cost/benefit ratio; and this is what leads you to prioritize and discriminate positively.

That is: more and better services for those who have the most needs. Is about:

Articulate measures aimed at reducing inequalities, among others:

  • Action on the basic conditions that allow a healthy life: employment, housing, education, greater redistribution of income, etc.
  • Promotion of healthy lifestyles: reduction in tobacco and alcohol consumption; promotion of sports, healthy diets.
  • Protection from risks: biological, physical, chemical.
  • Improvement of toilets.

Create a health services policy aimed at high-risk populations, focused on prevention and adaptation.

The General Health Law establishes that our Health System must assume equity as a guide of activity to overcome territorial and social, economic and population imbalances, based on the implementation of health policies.

In the formation of health specialty taught from the International School of Mediation we can continue working, strengthening and deepening concepts like the one I just explained to you, fundamental for the development of a quality and humanized profession.

If you want more information about our Master in mediation, click on this link.

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