Employment Opportunity in Torrox (Málaga)

11 Mediation jobs available

In the town of Torrox, Malaga, an exciting employment opportunity opens up for those looking to make a significant difference in people's lives. We are looking for 11 Mediation Technicians to be part of a team dedicated to facilitating the integration and support of individuals in vulnerable situations. Below, we detail the responsibilities and requirements for this exciting job offer.


Mediation technicians will play a crucial role in supporting and guiding individuals who face various vulnerabilities. Your responsibilities will include:

  1. Detection of Needs and Vulnerabilities: Identification of the needs and vulnerabilities of users to offer personalized support.
  2. Integration Facilitation: Implementation of actions that promote coexistence and integration of users in the community.
  3. Protocols and Standards Management: Implementation and evaluation of protocols, procedures and standards in the reception center.
  4. Conflict resolution: Development of actions and measures for effective conflict resolution.
  5. Socio-educational support: Provide support and accompaniment in the socio-educational itinerary of the beneficiaries.
  6. Awareness and Participation: Participation in awareness-raising actions on migration and interculturality.
  7. Volunteer Management: Manage volunteering and design activities to attract volunteers.
  8. Emergency Intervention: Intervene in emergency environments with especially vulnerable people.
  9. Coordination with Services: Manage receptions and follow-up of itineraries in coordination with the different services of the Spanish Red Cross (CRE).


To be considered for these vacancies, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  1. Academic training: Diploma/Degree in Social Sciences.
  2. Official Title in Intercultural Mediation: Possess official certification in intercultural mediation.
  3. Experience: Minimum 6 months of experience performing intercultural mediation functions.
  4. Language Knowledge: Fluent in English, French and/or Arabic with a minimum level of B2.
  5. Driving License B: Have a type B driver's license.

It will be valued

In addition to the aforementioned requirements, the following will be positively valued:

  • Be an active Red Cross volunteer.
  • Experience in team management.
  • Experience in caring for vulnerable groups.
  • Experience in the associative movement.

If you want to apply access here

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