Registration of mediators Galicia

In this section we will provide you with all the information you need to register as a mediation professional in this Autonomous Community. Likewise, you will be able to consult the training you need to meet requirements and that our School makes available to you.
Training Academic
- Have a university degree or higher education cycle.
- If you wish to register in the Registry of Family Mediators of Galicia, it will be necessary to prove the having developed professional activities in the psycho-socio-family field, at least during the two years immediately preceding to the request.
Training specific
- Formation of 100 hours in mediation. Of her, a 35% It must be practical. Our expert course will help you to this end.
Training keep going
- You must certify 20 hours of training every 5 years.
The International Mediation School also has continuous training. You can choose up to 17 specialties. Access by clicking here.
Registration application
The application for registration in the Registry of Family Mediators of Galicia can be made through two ways: Via online: It is done through the electronic headquarters of the Xunta de Galicia. This procedure can only be carried out using Internet Explorer. You will also need an electronic DNI or another electronic certificate recognized by the Xunta de Galicia. In person: It will be necessary to complete the form available on the electronic headquarters of the Xunta de Galicia and present it, along with the rest of the documents, in any place and registry established in the regulations governing the common administrative procedure.
Required documentation
In both cases, both online and in person, you will need the following documentation required in the standard application annex I of the Decree 159/2003:
- National identity document (DNI).
- Certified photocopy of the university degree, in case you do not authorize your consultation.
- Certificate accrediting professional experiencel in the psycho-socio-legal field during the 2 years immediately prior to the application (work life or other documents that prove professional activity in those fields).
- Proof of being in possession of the licenses or authorizations relevant for the exercise of professional activity
- Proof of payment of the established fees for this purpose, through the AI Model (self-assessment of fees).
- proof of having paid the fees for administrative services in accordance with the provisions of Title II of Legislative Decree 1/1992, of April 11.
Procedure to follow in registration
The procedure you must follow when registering varies depending on whether you do it online or in person: On-line: You must access the page of the Xunta de Galicia , using Internet Explore, and click on 'Process Online'. It will ask you to enter your electronic DNI or another electronic certificate recognized by this organization. Once you have accessed, you must fill out the form, providing the documentation indicated in the previous section, and send the procedure. In person: You will have to complete the form Xunta de Galicia and present it in any public registry. As established in article 38.4 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, requests, writings and communications that citizens address to public administration bodies may be submitted:
- In the records of administrative bodies to which they are directed.
- In the records of any administrative body, which belongs to the General Administration of the State, to that of any Administration of the Autonomous Communities, to that of any Administration of the Provincial Councilsyes, Town Councils and Island Councils, to the Municipal Councils referred to in article 121 of Law 7/1985, of April 2, regulating the Bases of the Local Regime, or that of the rest of the entities that make up the Local Management if, in the latter case, the appropriate agreement had been signed.
- At the Post Office, in the manner established by regulation.
- In the diplomatic representations or consular offices of Spain abroad.
- In any other setting out the regulations.