Judith Simón Fuentes

Emilia Ramirez Campaña 100

Do we know what social-health coordination is?

The increase in the care demanded by people in a situation of dependency has given rise, in recent decades, to the need to organize and coordinate health and social resources in order to provide comprehensive and effective care to the dependent population.

Blog Docente Judith 1810 100

What is Psychosocial Support?

The concept refers to the idea of “protection, assistance or favor, that is, the provision of help, assistance or form of help to third parties. This support format is the gateway to a broad and complex universe, this is none other than the one where the personal (psycho) and contextual (socio/cultural) universes define social reality, whether it is referred to at a macro or micro level. social (Blanco and Rodríguez, 2007).

Rociodocente 100

The importance of networking

Whether in the healthcare, administrative or practically any sector, networking is essential, which is why it is important to identify the concept and know in more detail what we are talking about.

Post Del Docente Judith

What is the National Health Service?

At the international school of mediation, within the health specialty, we analyze and learn, among other fundamental concepts, the one that I am going to tell you about today.
The National Health Service: What is it and what is it based on?

Humanizando La Asistencia Sanitaria

Health Humanization

We tell you the importance of talking about and developing health humanization and the fundamental aspects that favor it. Get informed!

La Mediación A Través De La Bioética

Mediation through Bioethics

Bioethics is a moral discipline that was created as a consequence of the scientific, technological, social and environmental changes that occurred in the second half of the 20th century.