Mediation through Bioethics

What is Bioethics?

The term “bioethics” was introduced for the first time Van R. Potter At the end of 1970, in an article titled “Bioethics, the science of survival”, what Potter claimed was something as simple as an “ethics of life”, which is why he believed the new discipline was fundamental, capable of putting into practice communication, as if it were a bridge, on two shores, that represented by the life sciences and that represented by the ethics of values.

Bioethics is a moral discipline which is created as a consequence of the scientific, technological, social and environmental changes that occurred in the second half of the 20th century.

It is a way of raising and solving moral problems that have to do with life in a broad sense. It is about reflecting globally on social issues that have to do with people's health and, therefore, that interest everyone.

The foundation of Bioethics tries to make known the instruments from which the new moral problems posed by the current biological and biomedical reality can be resolved. we all do moral judgments and we argue in an excellent way, well, that excellence is the objective that we should have for human decisions.

Bioethics in Health Mediation

In the clinical practice I would like you to know about the existence of some committees, bioethics committees are created, what they are and who they are part of, you may ask, since it is a collegiate deliberative body, of a multidisciplinary nature, for the advice of patients and users, healthcare professionals. health and management teams of health centers and institutions in the prevention or resolution of ethical conflicts that could arise in the health care process. 

The purpose of these committees will be continuous improvement of the comprehensive quality of health care.

Bioethics must be understood as a discipline enabler of change of a social direction, which is not only oriented towards the teaching of certain contents, but also helps to acquire skills such as deliberation, evaluation and responsible and autonomous decision-making. Only in this way can we hope that each citizen is in a position to face the challenges and situations of today's world, correctly managing uncertainty and therefore without frustration.

Now more than ever, bioethics needs to be a transversal discipline accessible to all people, regardless of their location and beyond the areas in which they have until now been installed or occupied.

In the formation of specialty in health mediation taught from the International School of Mediation we can continue working, strengthening and deepening concepts like the one I just explained to you, fundamental for the development of a quality profession.

2 thoughts on “La mediación a través de la Bioética”

  1. The specialty training in health mediation that you provide. Do you have a job opportunity in the institutional sphere or only in the private sector?


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