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Cyberbullying. Strategies and tips

In a world where bullying and cyberbullying are unfortunately common, it is vital to have effective tools to address this problem. One of the most prominent programs in this area is KIVA, a global initiative that has gained recognition for its innovative approach and positive impact on the lives of young people. Since its creation in Finland in 2007, the KIVA program has proven to be a powerful tool in the fight against bullying and cyberbullying in communities around the world.

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Empowering Youth: The KIVA Program

In a world where bullying and cyberbullying are unfortunately common, it is vital to have effective tools to address this problem. One of the most prominent programs in this area is KIVA, a global initiative that has gained recognition for its innovative approach and positive impact on the lives of young people. Since its creation in Finland in 2007, the KIVA program has proven to be a powerful tool in the fight against bullying and cyberbullying in communities around the world.

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Three films to work on gender violence with adolescents

These stories not only offer an eye-opening perspective on the reality of gender inequality, but also invite reflection, empathy and dialogue, especially among adolescents. From the courage of the suffragettes to the fight against domestic oppression, these films paint a moving portrait of female resistance across different eras and realities.