The mediator Alicia Pérez already advanced it in her previously published article about the social mediation as a fundamental basis for citizens when it comes to resolving their conflicts, with special emphasis on preventing situations that may destructure the social and/or family environment. This week we leave you with an interesting article that reflects on the importance of neighborhood mediation and the responsibility of local administrations:
Article written by: Ángel B. Gómez Puerto, jurist specialized in Family Mediation from the University of Córdoba (UCO).
I recently participated in a seminar on the “culture of agreement” in the Sevillian district of Triana, organized by the association that manages the mediation service in this Sevillian neighborhood. This is a novel municipal service, which has been operating as a “pilot” experience since February 2013, and which focuses its activity fundamentally on neighborhood mediation. Actually, I found it very interesting, a good practice to extend.
In the city of Córdoba, little by little the culture of mediation is taking hold, although for now only in professional fields., not neighborhood or social. Thus, last year 2013, almost one hundred professionals from law, psychology or work/social education developed the specialization course in Family Mediation at the University of Córdoba. And a few days ago the Course of Civil and Commercial Mediation that we are studying around ninety jurists from the Córdoba Bar Association.