Mediation and regularization of properties in Barcelona
- University degree in Law.
- High level of Excel.
- Experience in property recovery and/or debt collection.
- Experience in agencies dedicated to the real estate and mortgage sector will be valued.
- Training in mediation and conflict resolution will be valued.
- Control and monitoring of the trading of your own asset portfolio.
- Entering data into the corresponding applications (internal and the client's own).
- Location management through different tools.
- Contact the residents of the property by telephone to find a solution aimed at regularizing the situation, taking into account the circumstances detailed by the in-person manager in the occupational report.
- Contact social services, city councils and other social platforms if necessary.
- Negotiate real estate deliveries with lawyers, bankruptcy administrators, etc.
- Assess in each case the most suitable solution to transfer the client (mediation/judicial), depending on the type of occupation of the home.
- Attend committees/calls with the client in order to present concluded cases.
- Administrative tasks specific to and complementary to the position.
If you are interested in this job offer, you can access and register to her here.

Educator and mediator in Jerez de la Frontera
Do you want to work as an intercultural educator and mediator?
If you are capable of developing actions to promote the creation of community networks for coexistence, and of community and school mediation actions and you also have experience with the local associative fabric, migrant and refugee groups and in social mediation and intercultural awareness actions This offer may interest you.
- Training in intercultural mediation and community work with migrant population.
- Capacity for analysis, initiative and planning.
- Interpersonal communication and teamwork skills.
- Experience managing teams of volunteers.
- Active listening and empathy
- Interdisciplinary teamwork
- Versatility and adaptation to change
- IMMEDIATE availability to cover IT leave
- Preparation and reception in the resource of the beneficiaries of the program
- Support and/or accompany the beneficiaries for proper management of the daily routine and the different procedures (medical, administrative, purchasing, etc.) to enhance their learning and level of autonomy.
- Develop together with the beneficiary their objectives and needs analysis through the design and continuous monitoring of the itinerary.
- Manage the delivery of aid relevant to the program through the analysis of the socioeconomic situation of each person and the registration and budgetary control of the project.
- Mediate in conflict situations and manage activities, assemblies and workshops that promote learning in their resolution and the improvement of coexistence.
- Establish local networks and coordination to promote the real integration of beneficiaries by involving them in the resources at their disposal and enhancing their community participation.
If you are interested in this job offer, you can access and register to her here.