Gabriela Bravo, the Minister of Justice, has given the go-ahead for the works to begin on the Mediation Center and a Gesell camera in the City of Justice of Castellón.
A minimum of a total of 190,000 euros for these works that are classified as "very necessary" by the Councillor.
This Mediation Center will be a space "accessible and recognizable" for the population and will be very similar to the one built last April in Valencia.
It will consist of a total of six offices and a multipurpose room so that citizens can access them when necessary.
lto Gesell camera It will be a room equipped with audio and video to be able to carry out interrogations, especially for minors, without them realizing it. It is a room made up of two rooms separated by glass with unilateral vision.

Opening date
The opening date has not yet been decided. But we do know the deadline for companies to present their offers and it is next July 21 and they will have 3 months to execute the work.
Taking advantage of these works, reforms will also be carried out in the Violence against Women court and they will consist of two waiting rooms for victims and minors, another room for meetings and two offices. In addition, new dependencies will also be enabled for the Social Work, the Office Shift and the Police.