This is how a pioneering program in conflict mediation has improved coexistence in an institute in Madrid

An institute in Usera has been resolving differences that arise between its students through dialogue for 25 years, significantly improving coexistence in that educational community.

At the IES Pradolongo, located in the neighborhood of the same name in the Usera district, they are aware that the dialogue and mediation It is essential for the climate and the development of the educational field. At this institute, they have been facilitating understanding between students for 25 years, betting on dialogue with a pioneering conflict mediation program that contributes to and fosters an environment of respect and harmony among the educational community.

As Irene Sánchez, current coordinator of the group, relates, the idea came from Isabel Fernández, a teacher who adapted the mediation that was already being carried out in American secondary education, to Spanish classrooms.

The fundamental pillar of the project is training in emotional intelligence and assertive communication, providing adolescents with tools of emotional management and communication skills to resolve conflicts through dialogue and not violence.

These skills will not only help reduce cases of conflict at the institute, but they will be skills that will accompany forever to students by helping to treat them humanely and preserve their mental health.

From the International Mediation School, we fully support this initiative and encourage you to read all the details here.

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