Mediation News

la huella personal del mediador blog

The mediator's personal footprint

Made by Mr. Javier Alés Sioli, Director of the International Forum of Professional Mediators (FIMEP) and collaborating teacher at EIM – International School of Mediation We must never forget that as mediators we need our clients, the mediators, to legitimize our profession, our initiated process and ultimately to ourselves. Only … Read more

mediador@s profesionales 20 blog imagen

Professional Mediators 2.0

Prepared by Mr. Juan Diego Mata Chacón, Lawyer at ICA Seville and teaching expert in the specialty of Network Mediation (ODR). Working in conflict management with people who are having a bad time or who are immersed in a conflict situation makes us we often forget about… Read more

eficacia de mediacion segun la jurisprudencia blog eim

Effectiveness of mediation according to jurisprudence

Made by Ms. Mª Ángeles Elías Arteaga, expert teacher of the Master of Mediation and Multidisciplinary Conflicts at EIM – International School of Mediation To talk about the effectiveness of mediation according to Jurisprudence, we must say that it is a set of resolutions, decisions and sentences issued… Read more