International Congress on knowledge transfer and social awareness

The Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Seville hosts on April 25 and 26, 2019 the International Congress on knowledge transfer and social awareness “Islam and peace through Muslim voices”. The congress will be attended by members of the Muslim community as guest speakers.


From the International mediation school We show our full support for this type of initiatives that help to dialogue and educate in an aspect as important as peace.


«Islam and peace through Muslim voices»

There are two social realities that have made us consider the need to know the opinion of Muslims residing in Seville on the violent use of Islam and social behaviors related to the culture of peace and non-violence underlying this religion. Firstly, the constant and accelerated increase in the number of immigrants in this Autonomous Community (Andalusia). And, secondly, the misuse that is being made of religions, as they are frequently used as a discourse to justify violent actions. In general terms, we can affirm that the meaning that religion has in Western Europe differs considerably from that of Muslim citizens.


Religious codes are very present in the Muslim community, building strong references for behavior and action in the most diverse aspects of social and political life, both in public and private spaces. Which is why, in Western Europe, we have difficulties understanding the role of Islam in politics and social behavior. As everyone knows, Education is one of the fundamental pillars on which the foundations are laid to achieve a true state of Peace.. In the educational field, the school is one of the institutions that has the most resources and appropriate elements to enhance the transmission of values clearly related to the Culture of Peace. With this event it is our intention to raise awareness among the university community, local entities, public opinion, etc. about the need to know the values of Islam, giving a voice to the Muslims living in Seville themselves.


The objectives of this International Congress on Islam and peace are the following:

  • Raise awareness among teachers and other members of the educational community about the importance of the culture of peace and non-violence.
  • Establish proposals for action in favor of education for peace.
  • Understand what is the foundation of the religious discourse around Peace.
  • Motivate citizens about the need to get closer to different cultures.
  • Restructure false schemes based on religious and cultural stereotypes.
  • Promote a meeting between members of the Islamic community and the university community of Seville, where they can exchange knowledge, experiences and ways of life.
  • Promote the recognition of cultural diversity and respect for difference.



  • Interculturality
  • Education for peace and non-violence
  • Interfaith dialogue
  • Islam and education
  • Sociocultural integration of ethnic-religious minorities



The communication summary proposal will have an approximate length of 200 words and will be sent through the registration form, indicating title and author(s). The deadline for submitting abstracts ends on April 15, 2019. There is no maximum number of submissions per author.


To obtain the certificate of having submitted a communication, it is essential that at least one of the authors present the work at the established time.


Once the proposals are accepted, authors interested in publishing them in the conference proceedings with ISBN must send the full text before June 1, 2019 to the following address: And if you need more information about this Congress click here.

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