8 women (teenagers) who changed history

Malala Yousafzai (Born 1997, Pakistan): Malala is known for her activism for girls' education and human rights, especially in areas where access to education is limited due to armed conflict. He survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban in 2012 and has continued his fight ever since, becoming the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.

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Anne Frank (1929-1945, Germany): Anne Frank is known for her famous diary, written while she was hiding from the Nazis during World War II. His diary, which details his experiences and thoughts during the German occupation of the Netherlands, has become a moving testimony to the horrors of the Holocaust.

Joan of Arc (1412-1431, France): Also known as Joan of Arc, she was a French heroine during the Hundred Years' War. At the age of seventeen, she claimed to have received divine visions urging her to fight for independence from France. She led the French army to several victories before being captured by the English and sentenced to death for heresy.

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Ruby Bridges (Born 1954, United States): Ruby was one of the first black girls to attend a segregated school in the United States. At the age of six, defying racial segregation, she was the first to integrate William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans in 1960, marking an important milestone in the fight for civil rights.

Greta Thunberg (Born 2003, Sweden): Greta has become a prominent environmental activist advocating for urgent action against climate change. He began his activism at age fifteen by skipping school every Friday to protest in front of the Swedish Parliament, inspiring a global student strike movement known as Fridays for Future.

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Anne Sullivan (1866-1936, United States): Anne was the teacher and lifelong companion of Helen Keller, a deaf and blind girl. Despite the challenges, Sullivan managed to teach Keller how to communicate and learn, paving the way for Keller to become a prominent author, activist, and speaker.

Pocahontas (1596-1617, United States): Pocahontas was a crucial figure in establishing relations between English settlers and Native American tribes in the 17th century. At the age of approximately twelve, he is said to have saved the life of John Smith, a leader of the English colony of Jamestown, Virginia. Later, she married an English colonist named John Rolfe and traveled to England, where she was presented to the royal court as an "Indian princess." Her story has been told and reinterpreted numerous times, and her role as an intermediary between two cultures has left an indelible mark on American history.


Nadia Comăneci (Born 1961, Romania): At the age of fourteen, Nadia became the first gymnast in history to receive a perfect score of 10 at the Montreal Olympics in 1976. Her performance revolutionized women's artistic gymnastics and led to winning three gold medals in those Games.

Claudette Colvin (Born 1939, United States): Claudette was a civil rights activist who, at the age of fifteen, refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, nine months before the famous incident similar starring Rosa Parks. Their bravery and resilience helped inspire the civil rights movement in the United States.

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