Registration of mediators Catalonia

In this section we will provide you with all the information you need to register as a mediation professional in this Autonomous Community. Likewise, you will be able to consult the training you need to meet requirements and that our School makes available to you.
Training Academic
- Have a university degree.
- It will be necessary to be member of your professional association; either belong to a professional association from the field of duly accredited mediation; or be mediator for the Administration.
Training specific
- Specific training in mediation given by university teaching centers, professional associations or other public law corporations must be accredited. In this training it will be necessary to take a general part and, at least, one of the different specializations of the profession.
- The general training, previously referenced, must have a minimum duration of 110 teaching hours, including 30 hours of internship.
- Specific training in the family sphere and other areas of private law will have a minimum duration of 60 teaching hours, including 30 hours of integrated internship.
Our University Specialty Courses in Civil, Commercial and Family Media It will serve you for that purpose.
Training keep going
- You must certify 40 hours of training every 2 years.
The International Mediation School also has continuous training. You can choose up to 17 specialties. Access by clicking here.
Registration application
To register in the Registry of Family Mediators of Catalonia you can do so through one of these procedures:
- If you belong to a professional association: you must register in your school registry, that will resolve the declaration of training and transfer the registrations in the Registry of the corresponding area of the Private Law Mediation Center of Catalonia.
- If you are a member of an accredited professional association or provide Mediation services for the Public Administration: You can ask the Private Law Mediation Center of Catalonia for the direct registration in the Registry of the corresponding field and the Center will decide on the declaration of training. Here you will find the application that you must complete to request direct registration.
- If you do not have approved training: the ORDER JUS / 245/2014, of July 28, establishes the requirements and conditions necessary to register in the general registries of the Private Law Mediation Center of Catalonia. These requirements are based on the accreditation of experience in both training and practical mediation. It must also have official university degree and belong to a professional association.
Required documentation
If after completing the training, you belong to a professional Mediation association, you must present the following documentation:
- DNI, passport or identity document.
- Document that certifies official university training.
- Documentation accrediting mediation training approved by the Private Media Center of Catalonia, in the area of: family; civil; companies; successions; horizontal property; community; organizations; or agrarian.
- Certificate or certified copy of the civil liability policy for the exercise of mediation.
Procedure to follow in registration
The application must be presented at the Association of Mediation Professionals in Catalonia. Also, as established in article 38.4 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, requests, writings and communications that citizens address to public administration bodies may be submitted to:
- In the records of administrative bodies to whom they address.
- In the records of any administrative body, which belongs to the General State Administration, to that of any Community Administration Autonomous, to that of any Administration of the DProvincial representations, Councils and Island Councils, to the Municipal Councils referred to in article 121 of Law 7/1985, of April 2, regulating the Bases of the Local Regime, or that of the rest of the entities that make up the Local Management if, in the latter case, the appropriate agreement had been signed.
- At the Post Office, in the manner established by regulation.
- In the rdiplomatic representations or consular offices from Spain abroad.
- In any other that establish the current provisions.