
Ciudad Real promotes civil mediation in its courts

The courts of Ciudad Real are already prepared to begin carrying out intrajudicial mediation procedures, “although for the moment only in the civil sphere,” according to the president of the Provincial Court, María Jesús Alarcón, in the implementation meeting held before judges, lawyers and staff of the different… Read more

Susana Díaz advocates mediation to resolve conflicts, decongest justice and improve coexistence

The president of the Junta de Andalucía, Susana Díaz, has recently awarded recognition to the Manuel Altolaguirre school in Seville for its participation in the 'Learning to mediate' initiative, a program aimed at the school community, to disseminate the benefits of mediation among students. schoolchildren and teachers at the… Read more

Family mediation helps resolve couple conflicts

Although in Spain family mediation is still not the option most used by citizens, the data reveal that the 80% of people who voluntarily attend a mediation process finally reach an agreement (compared to the remaining 20% that ends up resolving the conflict by judicial means… Read more

Mediation applied to the health field

In the day-to-day life of the healthcare sector, conflicts arise due to communication or performance problems between healthcare professionals, affected patients and family members. The field of action of health mediation is of a more delicate nature, since it occurs in a context of illness... Read more