
mediador@s profesionales 20 blog imagen

Professional Mediators 2.0

Prepared by Mr. Juan Diego Mata Chacón, Lawyer at ICA Seville and teaching expert in the specialty of Network Mediation (ODR). Working in conflict management with people who are having a bad time or who are immersed in a conflict situation makes us we often forget about… Read more

¿como Garantizamos Blog Ok

How do we guarantee confidentiality in mediation?

Made by Ms. Gabriela Alés Hermosa, Academic Director of EIM – International School of Mediation As an essential principle of the mediation procedure we find confidentiality, included in art. 9 of Law 5/2012. The trust of the parties in the mediation procedure by… is based on this principle. Read more

Habiliades Sociales En La Mediacion Sanitaria Post

Social and communication skills in the healthcare field

Prepared by Ms. Judith Simón Fuentes, Social Worker at the Costa del Sol Hospital and teaching expert of the Master in Mediation and Management of Multidisciplinary Conflicts The communication process is a broad and delicate topic. It is communication that defines man, it is his main essence, we are irremediably... Read more