Advantages of mediation, do you know them?

In the chaotic world we live in, we all experience conflict from time to time. Whether at work, at the children's school or in the event of a divorce, we know that we are going to suffer. disputes from which we could be harmed. Next, we tell you the advantages of mediation to resolve conflicts in a better way.

Conflicts, regardless of their scope, are a real headache. Thus, mediation could become your best ally to overcome problems peacefully.

Whether you are/or want to be a mediator, or if you are thinking of hiring the services of one, you will surely be interested in knowing the advantages of this great ally against conflicts.

Discover the advantages of conflict mediation!

Advantages of mediation

Although mediation remains largely unknown, today it is possible to request an intermediary for almost any problem.

From a labor conflict to a dispute with your neighbor, mediation facilitates dialogue between both parties, working impartially and objectively. Even so, in some cases it is difficult for the two people to reach an agreement.

  • Lower emotional cost. Mediation is a tool that forces both parties to understand, thereby reducing tension and stress levels. Furthermore, mediation serves to improve interpersonal relationships, since communication between those involved is facilitated.
  • Lower economic cost. Whether the affected parties like it or not, mediation is the most economical alternative to a separation. Here you can find out how much is the average cost of a mediation process.
  • It is a confidential process. The information provided in a mediation process cannot be revealed in any case, so, even if no agreement is reached, no one will suffer harm.
  • It's a quick process. Speed is a factor that must be taken into account, since most judicial processes usually take years to resolve. Mediation manages to resolve a conflict in a few weeks.

If you are interested in mediation, remember that on our website you have all the information about courses for mediators.

There are no winners or losers

Sometimes, when a conflict situation is created, one of the two parties considers that it must 'win' the dispute at any cost, ignoring its share of responsibility.

Another of the advantages of mediation is that it invites reflection and self-criticism. Likewise, it contributes to resolving the conflict peacefully, since the people involved must give in to their position to reach an agreement that benefits them.

Advantages of mediation in family conflicts

  • Preservation of family relationships. When there is conflict, especially in cases of divorce, family relationships break down. In this sense, mediation helps preserve ties since respect prevails above all.
  • Commitment of the parties involved. As it is a consensual agreement between both parties and not imposed by a judge, mediation increases the degree of commitment of the people involved.
  • Parental responsibility. To solve a problem, it is necessary that both parties assume their share of responsibility. Mediation helps ensure that minors do not suffer the negative effects of parental conflicts.

In short, it is a very valuable tool that not only facilitates understanding between two people, but also It also generates empathy and prevents future conflicts. Resolving a conflict responsibly is in your hands, you just have to get closer to the world of mediation.

If you want to learn how to be a good mediator, take a look at our mediation training courses. Surely you are interested in taking accredited and number one training in Spain!

Text prepared by Rocío Sánchez

1 thought on “Ventajas de la mediación, ¿las conoces?”

  1. I have been working with mediation in different areas for many years and the truth is that it is an option that has many advantages, as you say. For me, one of the most important things is that it is a more personal process.


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