Blog Being a Mediator

Emilia Ramirez Campaña 100

Empathy in mediation

We are in a very important moment of recognition towards women. We are experiencing the “veil” rebellion in Iran. That is why today it is important to also vindicate women's efforts for peace and mediation.

Blog Docente Judith 1810 100

What is Psychosocial Support?

The concept refers to the idea of “protection, assistance or favor, that is, the provision of help, assistance or form of help to third parties. This support format is the gateway to a broad and complex universe, this is none other than the one where the personal (psycho) and contextual (socio/cultural) universes define social reality, whether it is referred to at a macro or micro level. social (Blanco and Rodríguez, 2007).

Post Docente 11 100

7 essential books to delve into intercultural Mediation

There are many recommendations that I believe can take us from the living room of our house into the exciting world of diversity and the different types of cultural disagreements it creates, as well as imagine solutions to resolve them. So, in today's post, we are going to make these recommendations that I hope you like: