"Personnel are sought to complete an interdisciplinary intervention team in a temporary residential care facility for minors affected by COVID-19." Salaries will be in accordance with those described in the III State Collective Agreement on Youth Reform and Protection of Minors 6-month contracts duration with the possibility of continuity – Fundamental requirements: Immediate incorporation – Recommended requirements: Experience in working with minors in similar devices High motivation and resistance to frustration Own vehicle A graduate in the field of intercultural mediation is required to carry out work of his professional field in the care of minors in quarantine due to COVID-19 with mild symptoms.
To access the job offer click here.

ARABIC, FRENCH driving license essential. You will be in charge of helping minors in their daily lives and acting as an interpreter for the center staff of minors or family members who do not yet know how to speak Spanish. It is not essential, however training in mediation and experience in the workplace or similar will be valued. Hourly availability since they are rotating shifts of mornings, afternoons and nights.
To access the job offer click here.

We are looking to incorporate a family mediator with demonstrable experience. It is essential to be able to take care of the service from start to finish, starting with direct contact with the client.
We are a leading company in personal services in the advisory category. We provide quality service. Punctual assistance is essential in the present assigned work and that you will offer soon
We are looking for committed profiles, eager to offer an unbeatable experience to our clients every day. If being a family mediator is your thing, you are a person who enjoys working both in a team and working individually and likes having a direct relationship with the client, we want to integrate you into our team as soon as possible.
To access the job offer click here.

Sector of activity 91 Activities of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities.
Type of permanent contract Annual salary €9,450.00 gross/year 14 payments Monthly salary €675.00 gross/month 14 payments Working hours Shifts
Level of study: University Education
Required language: English
To access the job offer click here.
Master in Mediation and Conflict Management
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