Seniors accompanied at Christmas with the community mediation program

Elderly people from Valladolid join the program «With you at Christmas» to spend these special dates accompanied. Will be able share these days Christmas lunches and dinners with other elderly people from residences.

Thanks to community mediation

Through the Department of Social Services and Community Mediation of the Valladolid City Council This program has been launched for older people who live alone.

It is an initiative framed withinl Municipal Plan for older people, where through community mediation It aims to respond to situations of unwanted loneliness and social isolation, the initiative taken by Rafaela Romero, Councilor for Social Services and Community Mediation.

Mediacion Comunitaria Navidad

Community mediation is a conflict resolution and prevention program with the aim of improving neighborhood coexistence. You can train to obtain the professional skills that everyone should have community mediator to intervene in conflicts.

Books for seniors

The company Clece, which provides home help services for the Valladolid City Council, has delivered during these days some 400 books to the elderly who receive this service.

"With these initiatives we try to ensure that every elderly person who is alone and cannot share these days with their family feels a little less lonely and feels a little more supported by everyone around us, and especially by the Municipal Services," he commented. Rafaela Romero.


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