Valencia has the first mediation center

Gabriela Bravo, Minister of Justice, Interior and Public Administration presents the Mediation Regulation Decree which develops the Valencian law approved in 2018 and visits the first Mediation Center in Valencia.

A has been generated plug in jurisdictions due to the crisis caused by the coronavirus. There are a total of 266,153 pending cases that have accumulated in the Valencian courts so far this year.

New Mediation Center

This center has been set up in the lobby of the City of Justice to facilitate justice in relation to criminal, civil, social, family, contentious-administrative matters, in addition to issues of inheritance or conflicts due to crimes or minor misdemeanors.

mediation, which is cheaper and less expensive, could resolve issues of this nature, allowing approximately 6.4 million euros that would be spent on trials to be allocated to other needs.

The visit has been in groups of 6 people to ensure that the safety distance is met. This Center had a total cost of 400,000 euros and began operating on April 21.

The aim is to create a mediation center in each municipality where there are judicial headquarters in what the Minister has defined as "proximate justice projects to bring this system of access to justice closer to all municipalities"

Valencia cuenta con el primer centro de mediación
The counselor with representatives of the judiciary, yesterday in the City of Justice. | LBB

The Valencian Community, leaders in mediation activity

Judicial mediation as a way to resolve conflicts and avoiding litigation progresses slowly. Despite this, the Valencian Community is the third community in family mediation position, the second in civil matters and the third in criminal matters.

The mediation law of the Valencian community has been pioneering in guaranteeing the quality of service, training and institutional support with a novelty: the free mediation system.

As well as free justice for certain cases, which can be availed of by those who have recognized crime victim status, people with limited economic resources and people with disabilities.

As you can see, lmediation is becoming increasingly important to resolve judicial issues. In the International Mediation School you can take courses and Online Master in Mediation and Multidisciplinary Conflict Management.

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