Neighborhood mediation: the solution to conflicts between neighbors

The neighborhood mediation It is the resolution of conflicts between the members of a community of Neighbors or those that affect the Community itself.


Although conflict itself is not negative and is present in our lives day after day, it is important to know how to address it. Furthermore, if we take into account that these occur in a community of neighbors, resolving the conflict through the courts will only increase it, worsening relations between neighbors within their community of owners.


A clear initiative for the good management of these confrontations and the cordial coexistence between neighbors is the one carried out by the Court of Instruction number 2 of Teruel, who has made the first intrajudicial criminal mediation in the province, as a tool to positively resolve confrontations between citizens. They have implemented mediation in criminal proceedings regarding an alleged crime of threats from one neighbor to another in rural areas and which, if it had been addressed in a different way, could have continued to generate problems. Finally, the case was closed successfully and an agreement between both of them.


It was Judge Jorge Cañadas, together with the participation of the Teruel Bar Association (the participation of mediator Carmen Hernández) and the lawyers of both parties, who proposed addressing the case through criminal mediation.


Once again, the advantages of mediation become evident, not only in terms of cost reduction and time savings, but also in terms of facilitate communication between the parties. The mediation process allows each of the parties to present their case equally, which entails a improvement of coexistence between citizens and a “social peace.”


Therefore, if a conflict arises in your neighborhood community, you can always go to neighborhood mediation as an alternative to resolve differences, or train as a mediator and work on it through our mediation course. You sign up?

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