Mediation as a way to transform lives

When we talk about mediation as a form of social and personal transformation, we usually approach it from the perspective of the people who participate in that process, finding common and beneficial solutions for both parties.


But, there is another type of transformation, and it is that of people who know mediation and decide to dedicate themselves to it.


A few days ago, the testimony of a young Moroccan man who changed his way of seeing life thanks to a mediation course was published in La Opinión de Málaga, discovering his vocation for the social world and the satisfaction that comes with helping people.


Outhman Beda: From Unaccompanied Foreign Minor (MENA) to University Student.


Bede arrived in Malaga on the bottom of a bus 8 years ago. He left his native Morocco tired of the lack of hope, not only at work but at family level. Several problems in his closest core encouraged Bede to seek a better future.


He arrived in Fuengirola hidden in the bottom of a bus, and was sent to a juvenile center in Torremolinos and then to a detention center in Jaén.


It is in this last center where he learned the language and began studying high school, realizing that he was capable of seeking a prosperous job future. He also took a Mediation course and thanks to it, he discovered his social vocation and understood that he wanted to make helping others his profession.


Currently, he has passed selectivity and is waiting to know if he will be accepted into the Social Education Degree in Málaga, Granada or Jaén. He reaffirms his idea of working with problematic minors or offenders, since he can empathize and understand their situation, becoming, in his own words, a reference figure for them like an older brother can be.


Without a doubt, Bede's story is a great example of social transformation thanks to Mediation.


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