A mediation course has been carried out for a center in Romania called «Mediation and positive transformation of conflicts in the school environment» from the Department of Social Welfare, Dependency and Childhood destined for a twinned city of Castelló (Târgoviște).
It's about the first international experience of the Bureau of Social and Intercultural Coexistence.
Pioneering activity
This mediation course for a center in Romania is a pioneering activity, as it is with a center from another country, it is expected to be an enriching and necessary experience.
Mary Carmen Ribera, the Councilor of Social Welfare, Dependency and Childhood states that: “the development of this type of course that, for the first time, we carried out with another country has allowed us to share experiences between two cultures and two different educational communities.”

Objectives of the mediation course for the center
The objectives of this mediation course for a center in Romania have focused on train in mediation and positive transformation of conflicts to the teaching staff, with strategies for the implementation of this school mediation service.
It has been carried out with professionals in intercultural mediationl in the management of school coexistence, and aspects such as different confrontations, relationships and communication and values and beliefs have been addressed.
During this course, topics related to the communicative, affective, cognitive and behavioral skills. It is also related to essential skills, empathy, assertiveness, proactivity.
Thanks to this course, a Coexistence Classroom. It serves to have clear objectives that are focused on shared responsibility between teachers and students.