The experience of the Kup Women for Peace

We are in a very important moment of recognition towards women. We are experiencing the “veil” rebellion in Iran. That is why today it is important to also claim the women's efforts for peace and mediation.

Hence, today we approach the district of Kup, in Papua New Guinea, a setting in which, during three decades of fierce tribal fights, there is an experience for our training that is very interesting to know, as it is the home of Kup Women for Peace (KWP – Kup Women for Peace).

Movement and organization

  This movement develops its activity on many fronts, from the fight for the independence of women in the country, to encouraging the adoption of a more stable lifestyle by local youth or even improving living conditions. of health and nutrition for all the people and all with the common denominator of non-violence and continuous work for peace.

It is a fight (although perhaps it is not the right word when we talk about peace) carried out by women, to achieve a change in mentality and behavior, so that people think about the development of the community, of their tribe. , instead of focusing on tribal fights that lead to nothing. Thus, to highlight its main mission, will enhance the defense of peace and social development. How important it would be to assume it as it is in our conflicts in the West.

The organization is led by women who dared to confront the pre-established order, through dialogue, and is made up of an executive committee –three women–, also a management committee and the collective of all women who join the movement. “Each member of the management committee represents a Kup clan and works to bring information, raise awareness, mobilize the community and be a spokesperson for local problems, and to ensure that the structural coordinators of the community, who constitute the “collective”, are aware. ». As we say

Today the group can be made up of about twenty people, and works with a computer, the components of the executive committee, which coordinates them to establish their meetings and the activities they must develop in the future, with a long-term view. Representatives from each Papuan tribe also participate and they work with different objectives set by the peace group.

Group Of Best Friends Holding Hands

Goal and teamwork

This experience seems interesting, not only because of the leadership of women in that country, but because the activities are oriented in accordance with the objectives and structure of the organization, working as a mediating entity in the face of conflicts that arise, and also focus on awareness and training of the group (they do training in rural areas) in human rights and eradication of violence against women. They also carry out training in skills and techniques for conflict resolution and management, tribal observation groups, peace circles and control of the educational follow-up of girls in the community.  

“One of the main objectives is reduce the escalation of tribal violence through conflict mediation strategies and changes in mentalities and behaviors. They want them to understand the alternatives to violence, both in their own families and in groups or the environment, promoting collaboration and mutual respect” according to the words of the executive committee.

But we also have to highlight the importance of work in the community, goes beyond addressing conflicts that arise, but rather delve into their root cause and thereby enter into an educational process that serves to prevent violence against women and discrimination in all its aspects in the future.

            To finish this short post and, of course, I encourage you to know this experience in depth, I also want to emphasize its staunch defense of human rights, because in its non-application or concealment lies the endemic violence against women for this group and fighting from their humble position to create conditions of peace in that country, seems to me to be totally praiseworthy and from which many mediators in the first world should learn. .  

Continue training in the world of mediation thanks to masters like this. Do not lose your job.

1 thought on “La experiencia de las Kup Women for Peace”

  1. This Organization is a clear and evident example of the progress and advance in the fight of women to ensure that their rights are respected in all areas, social, family, work, educational, etc., etc. To achieve the recognition of these rights, it is being proven that it is very important that in all groups of people and, therefore, in all Organizations created for the purpose of this recognition of rights at all levels, there is a person to intervene as a Mediator so that the people who are part of these groups have enough help to be able to find a common point, where their interests can coincide; as well as their needs and manage to resolve conflicts that arise, either between these same people, or between these Organizations and the various Administrations.


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