Resolve conflicts without going to trial… Is it possible?

Yes, using Mediation. Going to trial can be very frustrating for many citizens, due to the delay in resolutions and the financial cost it entails. For that very reason, Professional mediation is a good alternative to resolve conflicts, and unlike the trial, it is a confidential procedure.

Mediation is a method of conflict resolution that arises as an alternative to trial. A third person participates, called a mediator, who is a professional, neutral and independent of the parties, who guides the communication so that those involved in the conflict can reach a mutual agreement.

In what cases can I go to mediation and how can I do it?

Mediation is a very effective alternative for conflicts in which the parties have not reached an agreement. Furthermore, if a trial has started, it can be stopped at any time to go to mediation.

Another very important aspect that must be taken into account is that The hiring of a lawyer is not required. This considerably reduces economic costs. Despite this, it is worth remembering thatThe mediator, as a neutral figure, may not provide advice to the parties in any moment.

Likewise, there is no problem with any of the parties being assisted by other types of professionals, if required. 

Who can request mediation and how long does the process take?

To request mediation, it will be enough for one of the parties to go to a mediator. It will be the professional in this area who decides if the case is mediable and What steps should be followed?

On the other hand, The mediation process can take days or weeks, unlike a trial, the resolution of which can take years. Besides, The agreement reached will have full legal effectiveness and it may be elevated to a public deed if the parties wish, which will make it equivalent to a court ruling.

Either party or the mediator can terminate the mediation process at any time. In the event that an agreement is not reached, may go to trial or carry out any other procedure to resolve the case.

If I want to be a mediator, what do I have to do?

To be a mediator you will need to be in possession of a university degree, or higher professional training. Besides, You will need to have completed a training course of at least 100 hours, which will enable you to intervene in conflict resolution.

The figure of the mediator is becoming more and more important. The avalanche of litigation, caused by the crisis of the COVID-19, is increasingly saturating the courts, so Mediation will become a viable alternative solution to judicial procedures, both economically and temporally.

If you want to become a mediator, remember that in the International School of Mediation (EIM) you can sign up for our training online, accredited before the Ministry of Justice to work as a mediator Throughout the Spanish territory. 

Contact us without obligation to find out.

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