Big Data applied to mediation

Big data, known as Big Data, is changing in an incredible way, the decision-making of companies, groups, investments and why not: the decision-making of mediators when working in our services. Society is changing and so is the environment where we move, as well as the conflict and the type of conflict that stalks us.

We can say that Big Data consists of a process that analyzes and interprets large volumes of data, both structured and unstructured.  

How Big Data works and its applications

There are already many companies and institutions that use Big Data through their studies, since data analysis can provide very valuable information, both in the private and public spheres.

If, for example, we know the “traffic” that an article produces What we do, an advertisement for our service, or a photo inaugurating a mediation course, we can create a communication strategy that reaches the sector that interests us, if we are dedicated to family mediation and especially, for example, to hereditary conflicts.

Or through the study of data on the situations experienced in a city, by immigrants or people from different cultures, it is possible to create strategies aimed at serving and making ourselves known in the community. thanks to the conclusions drawn from the data.

Society, mediation and Big Data

It goes without saying that, if we have created a mediation office, Big Data applied to marketing would be very useful, since it allows us to obtain detailed information regarding the behaviors of our possible target audience, those mediated, their preferences and even behaviors. This helps to reach them, on networks, websites, publications, etc...

It seems silly, but we have almost forgotten about it. those hours and hours that we have dedicated to seeing the “incidence of COVID” and how it grew or decreased based on the amount of data provided by the Autonomous Communities, in order to make decisions based on them such as even confinement, perimeter zones or the so-called “cumulative incidence” which was nothing more than a percentage for to know if the disease was growing in one place or another.

Can you imagine that, like in sports, we could analyze the Big Data of behavior and tension, heart rate or emotions through applications with a smartwatch? We may be talking about science fiction, but today in sport everything is analyzed to understand human behavior.

Well, it will come, since in recent years “new research has emerged that studies conflicts as a result of what they call the network effect, which is directly related to the structure of society and the quality of the interrelationships that exist between its individuals or with other countries.”

 “Society is a complex network of social, political and economic forces that depend on the network of links between the individuals and countries that comprise it. These links are constantly being reorganized and when the level of reorganization and violence associated with that reorganization rise above a certain threshold, the resulting pattern can become a warlike conflict.”


Many times when as mediators we analyze a conflict we focus on analyzing those specific aspects that have triggered it. However, what caused the conflict to break out is not what will determine its dimension or the people who will be involved in it.

We have to be able, in the face of a conflict of any type, to assess all the positive and negative influences that exist according to the data they give us and that we consider based on our experience.

“This new vision has to make us think about how many times we have been the spark of a conflict, without thinking about whether the effects could be devastating for the life of a group, a community, a neighborhood, a town or a city.” We mediators have to analyze data. Be aware, depending on the area in which we work, of the need to see behaviors and attitudes that allow us to move through the ashes of the problem.

With good case supervision we will surely have an important database that will allow us to improve.

Dear reader, if you were to ask me what the key is in this field for our work, I would tell you that it is knowing how to make the most of all the data collected in accordance with specific objectives already set from the moment we created our mediation service All the data we receive from our clients has great value, knowing how to process that data.

If, for example, we work on family matters or even family businesses, which is the case in 80 percent of small and medium-sized businesses, they evaluate the adoption of big data technologies in making control and identity decisions and therefore where There are even emotional situations that mediators are experts in managing.

Be part of the world of mediation thanks to our extensive catalog of mediation courses. specialization as well as masters that will guarantee you the best training.

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