BULLYING. When school is not a safe space.

School should always be a space where boys and girls feel safe. However it is not always so. For many, school has become the source of a type of violence of which they are victims and that is carried out by their own classmates, it is bullying. 

Bullying is defined as a series of hostile, physical or verbal threats that are repeated, distressing the victim and establishing a power imbalance between them and their bully.

According to UNICEF, this situation produces a series of negative consequences in children, such as depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts or discontent with life.

Being bullied by peers has also been linked to the risk of eating disorders and difficulty socializing, loneliness and social isolation. In addition, bullied students are more likely to have academic difficulties, which include poor academic performance or lack of attention and attendance, among others.

The social, emotional and psychological effects caused by bullying can be serious and last from childhood to adulthood.

Bullying is a global problem. Various prevalence studies of this phenomenon confirm that it exists at any level and in all forms in all countries.

What can professionals do to stop these situations?

The first step to attacking bullying is knowing what it is. Therefore, it is essential to have information about what bullying is, what action protocols there are and what is in your power when it comes to preventing it.

The second step is to raise awareness among minors about what bullying is and what it is not. Establish rules and consequences for this situation. We must emphasize the function performed by the spectators, since they are the ones who, with their passivity or complicity, maintain the situation. There is no need to hesitate to talk openly about bullying with minors.

Finally, professionals must be attentive to detect possible cases of bullying. You just have to pay attention to what happens. If a case is detected, communicate it and support the victim. If you do not know how to support it, refer it to those who do know how to act.

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