Meli Herrera

Meli Herrera


Meli Herrera

Academic training

Graduate in Pedagogy, Social and Labor specialty from the Complutense University of Madrid.

Postgraduate Specialist in Parental Coordination.

Postgraduate University specialist in Coaching, Emotional Intelligence and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).

Postgraduate Expert in Therapeutic Psychomotor Skills.

Master in Psychomotricity.

EIM Teaching

Parenting Coordination Teacher

Professional experience

Parenting Coordinator.

Professional coach, specialist in Emotional Intelligence and NLP.

Family Counselor.

Pedagogical Advisor.

Psychomotor Therapist


Director and Founder of Vivencialia-processes of change.

Latest articles by Meli Herrera

post menores 5

How parental interference fuels child abuse

Before delving into the complex relationship that exists between parental interference and child abuse, it is necessary to conceptualize both terms to understand its scope and the devastating impact it has on minors who are victims of this situation. On the one hand, when we talk about interference... Read more
Acoso escolar

Bullying mediation: how it can be used to resolve conflicts between students and to prevent and address bullying.

In today's society in which school conflicts are increasing, interpersonal relationships, communication, emotional management and conflict resolution play a key role in preventing violence and different forms of aggression.
Meli Coordinadora 100

Social and family isolation in minors who are victims of conflictive breakups

Minors seek comfort, security and protection in their significant figures and this allows them to build their personality.