antonio plaza


Antonio Agustín Plaza Laborde

Academic training

Degree in Law
Master in Mediation (Specialty in Consumer Mediation)
Master in Consumer and Business
Expert and Master in Legal Practice

EIM Teaching

Consumer mediation teacher

Professional experience

  • Legal Advisor on Housing and Consumer Law of the La Zubia City Council
  • Mediator registered in the Registry of Mediators of the Ministry of Justice
  • Technical Manager at Quaestio Soluciones SL

Latest articles by Antonio Agustín Plaza Laborde

Agustin Plaza Consumo Mediacion 100

Last minute shopping for the Three Wise Men?

There are multiple sectors in which consumer law and more specifically consumer mediation has its place, from the advice and provision of specialist mediator services in consumer matters in companies in the services or products sector that is related to the final consumer, passing through public entities.
Blog Mediacion Compras Partes 1 100

Unfair commercial practices, abusive clauses, consumption and mediation (2nd Part)

We are in a very important moment of recognition towards women. We are experiencing the “veil” rebellion in Iran. That is why today it is important to also vindicate women's efforts for peace and mediation.
Blog Mediacion Compras Partes 1 100

Unfair commercial practices, abusive clauses, consumption and mediation (Part 1)

Article 8 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws –TRLGDCU- indicates the two problems with the that the consumer faces and that require special attention from public authorities, which are unfair commercial practices and abusive clauses.