Family Mediation Registry Andalusia

registro mediadores andalucia

In this section we will provide you with all the information you need to register as a mediation professional in the Andalusian Family Mediation Registry. Likewise, you will be able to consult the training you need to meet requirements and that our School makes available to you.

Training Academic

  • Be in possession of an official university degree, bachelor's degree, diploma, degree, or higher-level training cycle.

Training specific

You can register in the Andalusian Family Mediation Registry in two different ways:

  • Registration for advertising and information purposes: training in mediation, with a minimum duration of 100 hours of which a 35% has to be practical. Our expert course will help you to this end.
  • Registration in the Shift System: Specific training in family mediation, from an interdisciplinary approach, with a duration of no less than 300 hours. Of this, at least 60 hours must be practical. This last section can be reduced to 150 hours if a Minimum of 2 years experience in family mediation. It will be reduced to 100 hours training if there is a Professional experience in family mediation of at least 5 years.

Training keep going

  • You must certify 20 hours of training every 5 years.

The International Mediation School also has continuous training. You can choose up to 17 specialties. Access by clicking here.

Application for Registration of Family Mediation of Andalusia

Registration requests

To register in the Andalusian Family Mediation Registry you must print and complete the following applications, and then present them with the required documentation. You must fill out the first one if you want to register as a mediator. The second refers to the registration of teams of mediators:

-Request for basic registration, extension or modification of mediators in the Family Mediation Registry in Andalusia.

-Request for basic registration or modification of teams of mediators in the Family Mediation Registry of Andalusia.

Required documentation

  • National identity document. If you do not have Spanish nationality, the document proving your personal identification is in force.
  • Academic qualification as established in article 13.1 of Law 1/2009.
  • Documentation accrediting training in family mediation: certificate, diploma or document accrediting attendance and, where applicable, achievement, stating the complete program, as well as the number of theoretical and practical hours of the family mediation course completed. Specific and continuous training is accredited with a document issued by the entity that provided it.
  • Responsible declaration that certifies that you are up to date with your tax and Social Security obligations, as well as the commitment to maintain this compliance during the time you carry out your activity.
  • Professional civil liability insurance policy. For professionals who already have civil liability insurance, they must provide a copy of said policy in force.
  • Certification that certifies any other circumstanceto that the interested person wants to allege.

Procedure to follow in registration

Applications for registration in the Andalusian Family Mediation Registry will be submitted at the Territorial Delegation of the Ministry of Health and Family of the province corresponding to the domicile of the interested party designated for the purpose of notifications in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia by the applicant, without prejudice to the provisions of the art. 16 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations; as well as by the provisions of the art. 82 of Law 9/2007, of October 22, from the Administration of the Junta de Andalucía.