Job offers in mediation from July 24 to July 30
Don't miss our latest job offers! They are looking for mediation professionals in Almería, Badajoz and Melilla.
Don't miss our latest job offers! They are looking for mediation professionals in Almería, Badajoz and Melilla.
In today's society in which school conflicts are increasing, interpersonal relationships, communication, emotional management and conflict resolution play a key role in preventing violence and different forms of aggression.
The role of mediation in the general elections of the next 23J. What do the different parties say in relation to mediation in their electoral programs?
Don't miss our latest job offers! They are looking for mediation professionals in Moratalaz, Alicante and Barcelona.
Emotional education is of vital importance in minors and young people.
Don't miss our latest job offers! They are looking for mediation professionals in Córdoba capital, Lucena and Madrid.
What skills and knowledge a mediator should have, and how they can help the parties reach fair and equitable agreements.
We bring you some offers from social educators that may interest you!
Don't miss our latest job offers! They are looking for mediation professionals in Alicante, Madrid, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Currently, mediation has become a key tool for the peaceful resolution of conflicts in various areas of society. The approval of the National Mediation Law has been an important milestone in this area, providing a legal framework and encouraging the use of mediation as an effective mechanism to resolve disputes. In this article, we will explore the importance of this law and how it has made life easier in various areas.