
The principle of voluntary mediation

It could be stated that mediation without voluntariness is not mediation. It is one of the four fundamental principles, along with impartiality, confidentiality and neutrality. But why do we say that voluntariness is so important? For mediation to be considered as such, it is necessary that the process… Read more

Does mediation manage to decongest the courts?

We have previously mentioned the advantages of promoting arbitration and mediation as a faster alternative to the courts, but it is worth considering whether mediation is really being successful for practical purposes in terms of reducing judicial traffic jams. Does mediation manage to decongest the courts? According to the data, Spain… Read more

Interview with Luis López Lainez, civil and commercial mediator.

  Luis López Lainez is a civil and commercial mediator by vocation. Graduated in Business Administration and Management from the University of Cádiz, he always had a creative and entrepreneurial spirit, which together with his curiosity and concern for the human side of companies led him to dedicate himself professionally... Read more

European Mediation Day is celebrated on January 21

Like every year, European Mediation Day is celebrated on January 21, a date chosen to commemorate the approval by the Council of Europe of the first legislative text on family mediation on January 21, 1998. Although in Spain, mediation began to… Read more

Mediation: alternative to prison for young offenders

Entry into prison and deprivation of liberty for young people aged 18 to 29 who have committed some type of minor crime for the first time can significantly increase recidivism in the future. However, there is an option that is beginning to be considered: the application of... Read more