Well yes, you have studied your mediation course and you have assimilated the theory, you have watched videos, attended masterclasses, you have even been able to go to mediation sessions, simulated or not, and you can say that you already have the knowledge and tools under your belt. necessary to work on the conflicts in which you will have to intervene as a mediator.


It is time to find the way to reach potential clients that will allow you, while helping them to overcome an emotionally damaging situation for them, to achieve your goal of working in mediation, that is: being a mediator.


Although it is true that at the institutional and media level, mediation is an increasingly widespread and promoted means of conflict resolution - as can be seen in the Law on Civil Liability and the Circulation of Motor Vehicles, in which In the last reform, mediation has been introduced as a way to resolve discrepancies between the injured party and the insurers. It is also true that the average citizen is still not fully aware of the existence of that professional, who may be right in the next apartment, and that can help you put an end to unwanted situations in your relationships with more or less close people.


The automatisms that we have acquired throughout life, learned through our own experience or through osmosis from society, drive us towards certain quasi-automatic reactions to certain stimuli, which usually lead two people who are having a problem between them to go to a doctor. traditional and heterocompositive means of solution, often unsatisfactory, at least for one of the parties.


And what does all this mean?


Well then The ball is in the mediator's court.


Because, if you think that - administrative obligations aside and once registered in the Registry of Mediators corresponding - it is enough to rent an apartment or premises, furnish it according to the criteria recommended by practice and studied throughout the course and sit back and wait, the problems are not going to be your clients, who are not going to arrive, but rather the You are going to have: With some exceptions, discontent and boredom are going to invade your charming office and it is not going to be profitable for you to maintain it.


And this is the case, no matter what you do, but with the drawback (which at the same time is an advantage) that mediation is still a field, as we said before, little known in the daily lives of the people who They are not in contact in one way or another with the conflicts of others. So, that is the first task you will have to do. Even before, if you hurry me, creating a space to carry out the mediation sessions:


Inform your neighbor. Be sure to explain what mediation is, what mediation is not, how much a session costs, why it is cheaper and more satisfying to go to mediation than to get involved in a legal battle. Keep in mind that people who get to know this conflict resolution system will almost certainly talk about it to those who are immersed in one. And advertise yourself, of course.


Another task that is highly recommended is Sign up for an Association of mediators. The mediator, in the situation in which this alternative way of conflict resolution is found today, can be compared to a pioneer of the American West who, perched on the seat of his wagon, drives his horses, in full race to find a fertile plot in Oklahoma where to settle, because right now, although there are already well-positioned ones, mediation is still a field with few owners, few firms, and ready to be worked on. It is much easier to do all this in the company of colleagues with whom you can be informed (back and forth), carry out skits, organize training workshops for yourself or for other interested parties, provide mediation services to certain public services, and form teams of job. That is, it will give you the inertia and perspective necessary to learn to move in an area as multidisciplinary as this. And if it does not have the necessary inertia, create it yourself, propose ideas, and seek support to achieve collective projects that can be one of the best ways to make yourself known and work on mediation. And advertise yourself, of course.


If you are registered in any Professional or Official College, find out if they have a list of mediators, generally equipped with a shift distribution system. There are quite a few professional associations and official associations (especially of lawyers, social educators and social workers) that have a mediation service and a system for distributing mediable matters by shift. If you are not a member, do it. And advertise yourself, of course.


Participate in mediation intrajudicial. Some Professional Associations and mediation institutions have reached agreements with the Deans of the courts of their respective judicial districts to provide an intrajudicial mediation service, which is quite active in the family and work environment. Yes, it is true that it is a free service, which relieves work for the courts and speeds up procedures, which in turn results in greater justice for the parties to the process, but the mediator does not charge...for now, so you have to be there. And advertise yourself.


Prepare and participate in projects with the Administration or with private foundations. Be aware of the calls for subsidies or aid for social projects at a local, regional or provincial level, because if yours is chosen, it can not only provide you with income, but you will also make yourself known among the users. of those services. Furthermore, the presentation of projects of this type is usually successful with the trial-error technique, so the more you do, the more you will learn to do them and the greater your chances of being chosen.


And advertise yourself.

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