Job offers and tenders to work as a mediator
Employment in mediation: Job offer for mediator recovery of real estate assets in Barcelona. Access and review the requirements and other related offers. Access the job offer now!
Employment in mediation: Job offer for mediator recovery of real estate assets in Barcelona. Access and review the requirements and other related offers. Access the job offer now!
Access again the Mediation Day 2021 Conference, organized for the celebration of European Mediation Day, January 21.
The question on this European Mediation Day is what do we need? Today, January 21, this day is celebrated and Javier Alés gives us his reflection.
Employment in mediation: Job offer for social mediator in housing conflicts. Access and review the requirements and other related offers. Access the job offer now!
In this post we are going to talk about the reality of the penitentiary environment, that is, the prison as an institution, the place where people are held as a result of the commission of a crime and the sentence set in the penalty for a certain time, by the judge who… Read more
The Council of Ministers approves the draft Law on Procedural Efficiency of the Public Justice Service, which integrates a package of legislative reforms in order to modernize justice. Thus, in statements by the Minister of Justice, the draft aims to be “a new instrument to advance the System… Read more
Made by Mr. Javier Alés Sioli, Director of the International Forum of Professional Mediators (FIMEP) and collaborating teacher at EIM – International School of Mediation We must never forget that as mediators we need our clients, the mediators, to legitimize our profession, our initiated process and ultimately to ourselves. Only … Read more
Prepared by Mr. Juan Diego Mata Chacón, Lawyer at ICA Seville and teaching expert in the specialty of Network Mediation (ODR). Working in conflict management with people who are having a bad time or who are immersed in a conflict situation makes us we often forget about… Read more
Mediation pilot project for the amicable resolution of conflicts in the commercial field. We tell you!