Blog Being a Mediator

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Promoting fair, equitable and inclusive mediation through a gender perspective

The gender perspective in mediation is essential to guarantee a fair and equitable process. Understanding power dynamics and cultural influences on gender relations is essential to addressing asymmetries. The principles of neutrality and impartiality, as well as professional ethics, are fundamental to maintaining the integrity and credibility of the mediation process. Through a conscious and gender-sensitive approach, mediators can create a safe and constructive space where parties can resolve their conflicts effectively and satisfactorily. By encouraging open, respectful and equitable dialogue, mediation with a gender perspective can help the parties find an inclusive solution to the conflict.

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How parental interference fuels child abuse

Before delving into the complex relationship that exists between parental interference and child abuse, it is necessary to conceptualize both terms to understand its scope and the devastating impact it has on minors who are victims of this situation. On the one hand, when we talk about interference… Read more

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Use of technology in Mediation

What electronic means can we use to manage a conflict in online mediation? Before analyzing the possible electronic means that we can use, we should analyze the general characteristics of working online: Thus, when we communicate or work... Read more

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Mediation and emigration: new terms

Beyond the different posts that you have surely read here where I defend the professionalization of the figure of the Intercultural mediator, today I wanted to bring you a different text, and more focused on a series of new terms that are making their way in the ever-changing terrain how is he … Read more

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Key skills to be a good mediator

When we ask ourselves about the true nature of mediation, we could dedicate ourselves to searching for legal or social foundations, or if we are determined, we could make sense of explanations of any kind (psychological, social, humanistic, etc.) that could serve as a justification for the birth of a mediation. mediation procedure after a conflict arises between… Read more

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Beginning of an international mediation procedure

According to our regulations, mediation is the “means of dispute resolution, whatever its name, in which two or more parties voluntarily attempt to reach an agreement by themselves with the intervention of a mediator.” But today we wonder how to start a mediation procedure… Read more