The conflicts that have arisen in Ontinyen since the outbreak of the pandemic are mostly resolved throughl Ontinyent Neighborhood Mediation Service by the city's Local Police.
So far this year, the city's Police Officers have managed and resolved a total of 14 conflict cases among the neighbors.
There are a total of 20% more cases compared to what was maintained in 2020. It is carried out with the intention of reaching an agreement between the parties in a manner optimal, fast and that benefits both parties.
Causes of conflicts
The causes of conflicts have been very varied in each of the cases. Of the total of 14 cases, 6 have been related to problems in the coexistence of the affected people and 2 to family problems. On the other hand, 3 of them have been related to problems in rent payments and another 3 with problems in homes with humidity and water leaks.
Of all of them, only two have been assigned to the judicial service and the Prosecutor's Office and more cases are currently being processed, which is expected to reach twenty by the end of the year.
The Councilor Coordinator of the Equality and Open Government Area, Natalia Enguix, and the Local Police Councilor, Josep Gandia, They have positively valued the conflict resolutions and have commented “a success of the work of the Police personnel in charge of this service, a work that makes it possible for both the administration and the neighbors to have saved time and money in these cases.”
good results
This Mediation Service was launched on a trial basis in 2016 and turns out to be a great alternative for cases of neighborhood conflicts and thus prevent them from reaching a judicial process. The early years the conflict resolution index era of 50%, has improved to reach 65% in 2020.