The Xunta de Galicia is committed to judicial mediation and increases investment for the peaceful resolution of conflicts by more than 20%.
The meeting that was held between the dean of the Bar Association of A Coruña and the general director of Justice had as its objective the review of a penitentiary mediation plan in the Courts of A Coruña, as well as in the neighboring judicial districts.
Investment increase
The initial investment amounted to €12,000, which was increased in 20% thanks to the contribution of the autonomous Administration.
This has meant that more than a third of the court proceedings have led to mediation, achieving agreements. This is how mediation is positioned as a clear advantage in penitentiary processes, making interested parties intervene voluntarily and actively participate in conflict resolution.

Safe bet
The Xunta has been betting on mediation for some time "by understanding that it constitutes a fundamental channel in the resolution of conflicts as a complementary mechanism to the judicial process and that it is a key piece in the modernization of Justice and in bringing justice closer to citizens".
In our school we have a wide training offer made up of Master, Specialist, University course, Mediation expert, Coordination expert and Specialties that will turn you into a mediation professional.