During the months of April and June, the Family Mediation Service of the Government of Aragon has received a total of 164 families demanding this service.
Objective of the Family Mediation service
This service aims to facilitate the development of family dynamics or propose alternative measures to judicial measures to manage and resolve conflicts, in the case of mediation.
The care for these 164 families entails direct assistance to a total of 273 people, among whom a distinction is made between those need guidance, for an easy development of their family dynamics, or on the other hand, who need mediation, to manage intra-family conflicts to avoid going to court.
In addition to this service, the General Directorate of Equality and Families has started a family intervention service. This service already has 47 consultations in the last three months. Between the most frequently asked questions they find each other:
- Couples crisis.
- Families who have difficulties in agreeing on guidelines for the education of their adolescent sons or daughters.
- Relationship problems between parents and children over 18 years of age.
- Complications arising from separations or divorces or disagreements between siblings due to the care of elderly or dependent parents.
- Management of family inheritances.
People with difficulties in the separation process regarding co-parenting have also requested information.

Results of the mediation process with families
Of all the families who have requested both help in the mediation service and help with family intervention, a total of 40 families have completed their mediation processN and 37 of them have managed to resolve the conflicts.
This implies that a 92.5% of cases end in success and families learn about dialogue and how to manage future conflicts.
These services have been carried out with the idea of alleviating the effects of the coronavirus crisis on the different members of a family.
Fountain: www.heraldo.es