To avoid going to court and to resolve the conflicts that exist between the residents of Murcia, this initiative has been launched. new “police mediation” service.
Starting today, May 24, a total of 21 police officers They will work to solve community problems that can be solved through dialogue.
Objective of this service
This service police mediation Its main objective is to help, for free and through a team of professional police mediators to those neighbors who need to resolve their differences peacefully and without the need to go to court, which is currently collapsed.
The 21 police officers who will be in charge of this service, among which we find 1 inspector, 3 sub-inspectors and 17 agents, have received the necessary training in the subject and specific for this type of case through a 40-hour course taught by specialists with extensive experience in conflict resolution through mediation.
The mediator will be in charge of directing the mediation freely through the principles of impartiality, confidentiality, independence and good faith. It will take place in meeting rooms at the La Alberca, La Flota and El Espinardo Local Police stations.

Fountain: LaOpinionDeMurcia
Procedure to request it
This mediation service may be requested when at least one of the parties is domiciled in the municipality of Murcia and the conflict has arisen in this province.
The neighbors can request this service in different ways:
- By writing an email to
- Call 968.358750.
- Submit the application at any of the citizen service offices of the Local Police Stations of Murcia or districts in the Citizen Service and Relations Service located at the Murcia Local Police Headquarters.
- Through any Local Police agent.
These neighborhood complaints received by the Police Units to reach a conciliation between those affected. The beginning of the Mediation will be done as quickly as possible. First contact will be made 15 days after request and the process will not take more than 30 days.
As you have seen, mediation is a service that is gaining importance day by day to resolve conflicts. If you want to train in this area, you can do so through the Master in Mediation and Management of Disciplinary Conflicts in EIM.