The Local Police of Valencia uses mediation to solve social conflicts

Mediation has become the new way used throughout the world to resolve conflicts. One of the cases is that of the Local Police of Valencia, which in just the first six months of 2016 has carried out 244 interventions in civil society, of which 171 have been successfully resolved positively.

This figure of more than 50% of success consolidates mediation as a third way to resolve minor and everyday problems of citizens, beyond the traditional options of filing complaints or simply holding out in case there is a conflict.

The incorporation of the new mediation tool within the Valencia Local Police has meant an improvement in the treatment of civil and social conflicts, preventing disputes from reaching the courts and being resolved through ordinary means.

The most common conflicts in which Valencia police mediation intervenes are the following: annoyance due to excess noise, problems with pets, bad smells or health, the Fallas festival or the use of public spaces.

These are problems that are not considered highly serious, which is why mediation is ideal, since in mediation the parties also have the opportunity to communicate and be heard by the person in conflict, thus making it possible for them to reach a mutual and more lasting agreement. in the time.

This very effective police mediation model of the Valencia Local Police has already been exported to other countries such as Bulgaria, where they hope to implement it and also obtain good results.


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