The new scale allows the possibility of going to mediation in traffic accidents

On September 23, 2015, the Law 35/2015, which reforms the system for assessing damages suffered by people in traffic accidents.

This regulation, which includes and modifies the articles of the civil liability law and insurance contract, adds, among other things, the novelty of the possibility of attending a mediation process, to which the parties may attend, upon request of the injured party, having a period of two months from when the latter received the offer.

As of January 1, 2016, The turn has come for mediation in traffic accidents. Specifically, the regulations detail as follows:

Once the offer or the reasoned response has been presented, in case of disagreement (...) the injured party may either go to the mediation procedure provided for in article 14 to try to resolve the controversy, or go to the appropriate jurisdictional route to claim the corresponding damages. 

Little by little we see how advances in the mediation sector offering citizens a more beneficial and, at the same time, economical option for resolving conflicts, in this case, traffic accidents.


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