ONCE and Castilla-La Mancha join forces to collaborate with deafblind people

The Regional Government of the province of Castilla La Mancha collaborates with the ONCE Association to provide help to deafblind people in the region.

Castilla La Macha colabora con la ONCE por las personas sordociegas

Development of programs and services

It will be carried out with the launch of centers and through the development of programs and services for these people.

On June 27, International Day of Deafblind People, a celebration will be held to highlight the commitment of this Community with associations such as ONCE, to break down barriers and fight for inclusion and accessibility.

Deafblindness is a disability which arises from visual and auditory sensory deficiencies, which manifests itself in different degrees causing communication problems and special needs.

Of the 98 people who suffer from this disability in the region, 28 are in mediation programs, supported by mediators who offer care in Guadalajara and Cuenca.

Mediation programs

It is necessary to put into practice methodologies in education of boys and girls and the rehabilitation of young people and adults to work on the other senses, such as touch, and also, work with small traces of sight and hearing.

They have been treated and talked about benefits of these mediation programsn for these people and about how deafblindness affects daily life, since it is difficult to work autonomously and specialized services are required.

The financing This service is carried out through private entities of social initiatives, such as the ONCE Deafblindness Technical Unit and with the communicative mediators of the Foundation for the Care of Deafblind People (FOAPS).

Fountain: Diary of La Mancha.

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