The Mediation Professional

Allow me the following reflection.

53% of the population has received some psychological attention. The deconfinement and control of the epidemic will have to face new challenges, including the Psychological consequences in the population derived from weeks of confinement and extreme situations.

Facing the avalanche of Mediations that this new paradigm is promoting implies a deep reflection by their own conflict management professionals.

The professionals who must accompany the midwives must take into account two very important aspects:

  1. The emotional intensity of the conflict is much greater than in times before the confinement.
  2. Us professionals too we can be part of that 53% during post confinement.

The pillars of mediation

My reflection is due to what I have insisted so much on in debates, conferences, university or Professional College classes. Our work as experts, especially in Mediation, is a team work and requires multidisciplinary human infrastructure.

I cannot conceive in this new paradigm of facing mediation if you have not previously been checked by colleagues.

aspectos fundamentales del profesional de mediación 1

From our team of professionals there is no mediator who jumps into the conflict arena if there has not previously been a collective professional assessment.

We have a lot at stake at a time when Mediation and ADR (ODR) are going to mark a new era in the way of working on conflict. The citizen needs us more than ever and will know how to appreciate our way of doing things because it is in line with this new era.

Mediation does not begin in a chair with the mediators, it begins much earlier and above all it begins with oneself.

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