The effectiveness of mediation in family conflicts

Conflicts exist, have existed and always will exist in society in all areas, and those of a family nature are especially important, which are more delicate due to the bonds and emotional ties between the opposing parties.

Everyday problems arise among the civilian population: child custody issues between separated fathers and mothers, neighbors with noise or vandalism problems, minor accidents, etc. Cases of alimony, custody of children and dissolution of the marital partnership are the most common in family mediation and those with the highest success rate with positive resolution.

Family mediation or community mediation are a good alternative way to solve and unblock conflicts that by their nature can be considered simple (although it should be noted that in many other more serious cases, ordinary judicial intervention is necessary), in a peaceful and consensual manner. , always with the will of those affected to reach some mutual agreement.
Mediation dismantling social paradigms

In the words of the provincial director of Dejudicialization of Interpersonal Conflicts of Santa Fe (Argentina): “We live in a society so conflictive that all the daily problems we have are resolved in a violent or competitive way. The existing paradigm, almost like a pre-established social mandate, says: 'If I have a conflict with another, I must win or, ultimately, eliminate it, culminate it in violence.' This form of violent resolution is then seen in the newspaper headlines.”

Conflicts are natural and inherent to life, and many of them take place between people who know each other or have some type of relationship. Family mediation or community mediation generates a collaborative space for dialogue where these people in conflict have the opportunity to mend their situation of their own free will, through active listening, empathy and with the intervention of a neutral figure: the mediator. .

It is true that, sometimes, conflicts cannot be resolved through mediation. However, mediation will have already achieved something very fruitful: transforming the conflict, allowing the relationship between the opposing parties to be more fluid and less violent. Because emotions and communication have a place in mediation, something essential for a problem to cease to exist. It is for this reason that mediation will always be worth trying.

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