Job offers in intervention with minors from February 5 to 11.

Social educator employment in Bizkaia.

Description of the position

You need to select a social educator in Bizkaia.


  • They will carry out educational intervention tasks with the minors.
  • Training and experience necessary to perform the functions.
  • Be in possession of university education.


  • Specific and oriented training.
  • Punctuality, responsibility, availability and positive attitude when undertaking new tasks. efficiency. honesty and integrity.
  • FSC applies a policy of equal opportunities based on gender (identity, gender expression), emotional-sexual orientation, functional diversity and positive discrimination towards people at risk of social exclusion.
  • Computer science, driving license, languages.

Can sign up for this job offer to work as a mediator doing click here.

Employment for educational technical assistants in San Bartolomé de Tirajana.

Job Description

Wanted 1 educational technical assistants in San Bartolomé de Tirajana.


  • Collaborate in the execution of the center's and individual educational program for minors or young people.
  • Carry out observation tasks, recording the incidents of the shift through the different established channels.
  • Attend and provide, like the rest of the center or program staff, basic care and ensure the physical and psychological integration of minors and young people.
  • Carry out observation tasks, recording the incidents of the shift through the different established channels.
  • Attend and provide, like the rest of the center or program staff, basic care and ensure the physical and psychological integration of minors and young people.
  • Prepare and fill out all the documents that are considered appropriate according to their functions.
  • Participate in the development of specific projects based on the needs of the minors and the activities of the center or program.
  • Accompany minors on their transfers or outings, procedures, consultations, walks, excursions and entertainment of leisure and free time in general.


  • Qualification compatible with the job: Higher Degree in the socio-educational area.
  • Accreditation of the requirement of not having been convicted by a final judgment for any crime against sexual freedom and indemnity.
  • Time flexibility to perform rotating shifts.
  • Knowledge of languages such as: Bambara, Arabic (Darija), Soninké or French will be highly valued.

Can sign up for this job offer to work as a mediator doing click here.

Employment for Social educator in Palma de Mallorca.

Job Description

We are looking for 2 social educators in Palma de Mallorca.


  • Describe the set of development support needs required by boys and girls between 6 and 18 years old.
  • Intervene according to the project designed as a team in the development of daily life skills.
  • Manage educational intervention tools and address hetero-aggressive and self-harming behaviors.


  • Possess a qualification as a social educator.
  • Knowledge about medical support, transportation, judicial field, family and sports support.
  • Immediate incorporation.

Can sign up for this job offer to work as a mediator doing click here.

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